Frequently Asked Questions

Step by Step guide to running a Coupon Website

After ClipMyDeals is activated on your website, you can follow the below steps to get started with your Coupon Website:

  1. Demo import (use this feature to set up your website like any of our demo sites with just a few clicks).

  2. Quick Setup (These are just basic settings for a quick start. You can skip this step if you have imported Demo data from step 1).

  3. Create Store Pages (This step will guide you to create additional stores for which you want to list coupons).

  4. Create Offer Categories (This step will guide you on "How to create offer categories" that are not available on your website at the moment as well as edit the existing categories).

  5. Add Coupons.

    1. To manually add/edit coupons, check our Add/Edit a Coupon documentation.

    2. To pull Coupon Feeds from LinkMyDeals: If you are subscribed to's Coupon Feeds, then setup LinkMyDeals to populate your website with the latest coupons by following the below steps:
      1. Go to WordPress > LinkMyDeals.
      2. Enter your LinkMyDeals API Key.
      3. Set Auto-Pilot to "Enabled".
      4. Make sure you set the last extract date to a past date when you setup LinkMyDeals for the first time ( ideally set a date for 20 years ago just to be on the safer side).
      5. Save.
      6. Refresh the page a few times. Till you see that the process is complete in the logs.

    3. To integrate CouponAPI: If you are subscribed to, then you need to install CouponAPI Plugin to import Coupons. Once the plugin is installed, do the following:
      1. Go to WordPress > Coupon API > Settings, and set whether you are using the Cashback Plugin, and if you want to import images. Click "Save".
      2. Then enter the API Key that you got from CouponAPI Panel. Also, enable the Auto-Pilot Mode. Click "Save".
      3. Go to WordPress > Coupon API > Logs. See if the feed is getting processed. You may have to refresh the logs a few times to see the updates.
  6. Create a new page that lists all Stores (If you have used demo import, then this page must already exist on your website).

  7. Create a new page that lists all Categories (If you have used demo import, then this page must already exist on your website).

  8. Create website Menu.

  9. You can either use the default homepage by ClipMyDeals or if you are an advanced user you can even use shortcodes to create your own homepage design.

      1. Go to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Front Page Settings.
      2. Select which Welcome Type you want (None/Video/Banner/Slider/Multi Slides).
      3. Select if you want to display a popular store list, latest coupons, and latest posts.
      4. See respective documentation for details on how to setup Video, Banner, Slider, Multi slider.
      5. Configure the coupon settings as per your requirement by following this documentation Coupon Display Settings.
    1. To add any Homepage widgets Go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearances > Widgets > Homepage Widgets.
    2. Now click on "Add widget" then you can search for any widgets among
      1. Homepage: ClipMyDeals Popular Stores
      2. Homepage: ClipMyDeals Featured Offers List
      3. ClipMyDeals Banner Images
      4. See the documentation for details on Widget Options.
        (Note: - In "Widget", the "Homepage Widgets" section will be visible only if you are on the Home page of your website in the preview section).

    For custom homepage design, read our Custom Homepage documentation.

    Configure Coupon Display Options by going to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Coupon Settings.
    After all these steps, your website should be more or less ready. You can see other parts of documentation to do advanced settings further on.

    Help Topics: Installation

     Last Updated about a month ago

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