Frequently Asked Questions
Add/Edit a Coupon (Code/Deal)
Follow the below steps to add a new Coupon:
- Go to WordPress > Coupons > Add New
- You can configure the below fields related to an offer:
- Title (Required)
- Description(Type/ to choose a block): You can use formatted text to give details about the offer, like Terms & Conditions, validity, payment restrictions, etc.
- Coupon Type: This can be either "Code" or "Deal".
- Code: In case of Code, a "Get Coupon Code" button will appear on the offer. On clicking the code, the current tab will redirect to Coupon URL and a new tab will open on which the Coupon Code will be revealed.
- Deal: If you set Coupon Type to Deal, the offer will have an "Activate Deal" button. On clicking the button, the visitor will be taken to the Coupon URL in a new tab.
- Printable: This will show a "Print Coupon" button on the coupon. On clicking this button, the user will be able to print the coupon and take it to a physical store for redemption.
- Coupon Code: If the coupon type is "code", this code will be revealed in clicking "Get Coupon Code" button. If the coupon type is "printable", this code will be used to print a code-128 Barcode.
[Note:- To create a barcode for a printable coupon, it is important that the PHP_GD extension is enabled for you by the server] - Coupon URL: This is the URL on which visitor will be redirected on clicking the Code/Deal. To earn affiliate commission, you will need to enter your Affiliate URL here.
- Image URL: If you want to use an external image (probably from a merchant's website) on the offer, then enter it's URL here. If you want to upload your own image, use the Featured Image box instead (on bottom of sidebar). Note that images are only shown in Grid Layout, and not in List Layout.
- Start Date: Offer will start appearing on the website from this day onward.
- Valid Till: Offer will be active till this day. For example, if you set 31st Dec here, the offer will show on the website till 23:59 hrs on 31st Dec.
- Verified On: This date will be shown on the front-end to the visitor as the last verified date for the offer with a green tick. Verified offers increase user loyalty.
- Badge Text: This is a small text that appears on top-right of offer in grid layout, and on left-side of offer in list layout.
- Display Priority: You can put any integer in this field. The larger the integer, the higher this offer will appear on any page.
- Notes: This is just for internal use. This does not show anywhere on the website, you can leave this blank.
- LinkMyDeals ID: This is again an optional field, you can leave it blank. If you bulk upload offers from LinkMtyDeals CSV Feed, this field will be auto populated.
- Additionally, you can relate an offer to Offer Categories, Stores and Locations using the meta-boxes on the sidebar. You can also add new Stores, Categories and Locations from here.
- If you want to show images on your offer, you can upload an image using this option. If you want to use a URL from an external website, you should instead use the Image URL field. Note that images are only shown in Grid Layout, and not in List Layout.
NOTE: Location taxonomy is disabled by default. You can enable it by going to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Coupon Settings > Location Taxonomy.
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Last Updated 4 months ago