Frequently Asked Questions

Add Header Menu

To add a Menu to the header, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to WordPress > Appearance > Menus
  2. Enter the Menu name
  3. In the Menu Structure box, drag & drop the pages from the suggestions on the left sidebar.
  4. If you want to see your stores and offer-categories in the left sidebar, then click on "Screen Options" in the top right of your screen, and select "stores" and "offer-categories".
  5. To add pages that are not in the left sidebar, you can use the "Custom Links" option.
  6. See "How to display All Stores" and "How to display All Categories" FAQs to learn how to create pages that list all stores/categories. You should add these pages to the Menu to make sure all store & category pages are easily accessible by Search bots. This highly increases your indexing in Search Engines.
  7. In the "Menu Settings", tick the "Primary" Display location to make sure this menu appears in the header on all pages of the website.
Help Topics: Theme Configuration

 Last Updated 25 days ago

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