Frequently Asked Questions

Widget Options

Using ClipMyDeals theme you can add the below widgets to your website:

ClipMyDeals Adv. Search

Allows the user to search for offers along with store, category and brand filters.

Popular Stores Widget

Displays the thumbnails of all stores marked as "Popular Stores". Edit individual stores to check/uncheck this option. Options shown below available in the widget:

  • Title: Widget Title
  • Show Offer Counts: Displays "x Offers" under store thumbnails (where x is the number of offers for that store)
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even stores with zero offers will appear in this list.
  • Order By: Select if you want to sort the Stores by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count.

Store List Widget

This will display a complete list of stores on your website. Below options are available to configure the widget:

  • Title: Widget Title
  • Show Offer Counts: Displays the number of offers for that store.
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even stores with zero offers will appear in this list.
  • Order By: Select if you want to sort the Stores by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count
  • Exclude: If you do not want to show certain stores in this list, you can enter a comma-separated list of such store IDs here. To get the store IDs, hover the mouse over the "Edit" links on WordPress > Coupons > Stores. You will see ID in the URL.

ClipMyDeals All Brands

This widget should ideally be used in Homepage section

  • Title: Give a title to your widget
  • Order by: Select if you want to sort the brands by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count.
  • Show Empty Terms: Displays the number of offers for that brand.
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even brands with zero offers will appear in this list.

ClipMyDeals Brand List

This widget should ideally be used in Sidebar/Footer section

  • Title: Give a title to your widget
  • Order by: Select if you want to sort the brands by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count.
  • Show Empty Terms: Displays the number of offers for that brand.
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even brands with zero offers will appear in this list.

Category List Widget

This will display a complete list of offer categories on your website. Below options are available to configure the widget:

  • Title: Widget Title
  • Show Offer Counts: Displays the number of offers for that Category.
  • Show Sub-Categories: Used to control if you want to display all categories or just parent categories.
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even categories with zero offers will appear in this list.
  • Order By: Select if you want to sort the Categories by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count
  • Exclude: If you do not want to show certain Categories in this list, you can enter a comma-separated list of such Category IDs here. To get the Category IDs, hover the mouse over the "Edit" links on WordPress > Coupons > Offer Categories. You will see ID in the URL.
  • Only Show Children of: In case you want to display only subcatetgories of a particular parent category in this widget, then just enter the parent's ID here. To get the Category IDs, hover the mouse over the "Edit" links on WordPress > Coupons > Offer Categories. You will see ID in the URL.

Store Location Widget

Used to place the location IFrame on the store page or location page.

The Map will appear on store pages for which you have added a Google Map IFrame in Wordpress > Coupons > Stores > Edit > Store Location.

Store Video Widget

Used to place the store's video IFrame on the store page.

The Video will appear on store pages for which you have added a YouTube ad in Wordpress > Coupons > Stores > Edit > Store Video.

Homepage: ClipMyDeals Featured Offers List

  • Title: Widget Title
  • Choose what you want to display in this widget by checking the below boxes
    • Deals - Deals will be visible
    • Codes - Codes will be visible
    • Printable Coupons - Printable coupons will be visible
    • Products - Products will be visible
      You can choose to tick multiple boxes to show Codes, Deals, Printable Coupons, and Products in combination as per your liking
  • Count: Total number of offers/ products that will be visible in the auto-rotation
  • Order by: Sort the offers/products according to the below preference
    • Start Date - Sort the offers/ products on the basis of their start date
    • End Date - Sort the offers/ products on the basis of their end date
    • Priority - Sort the offers/ products on the basis of their display priority.
      You can also choose to sort the above-mentioned preference in
      • Ascending - It would arrange them from smallest to largest
      • Descending - It would arrange them from largest to smallest
  • Include Store: Enter the store slug name in this field to show offers/ products of a specific store. You can enter multiple store slug names separated by ","(comma) to include multiple stores.
  • Include Category: Enter the category slug name in this field to show offers/ products of a specific category. You can enter multiple category slug names separated by ","(comma) to include multiple categories.
  • Include Location: Enter the location slug name in this field to show offers/ products mapped to a specific location. You can enter multiple location slug names separated by ","(comma) to include multiple locations.
  • Once you are satisfied with the website preview on the right, you can now Publish these setting

ClipMyDeals All Brands

  • Title: Give a title to your widget
  • Order by: Select if you want to sort the brands by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug or Coupon Count.
  • Show Empty Terms: Displays the number of offers for that brand.
  • Show Empty Terms: If checked, even brands with zero offers will appear in this list.

ClipMyDeals Banner Images

Enter up to 3 images in a row anywhere below the welcome type section. You can have multiple ClipMyDeals Banner Images on your homepage

To add this widget Go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearances > Customize > Widgets > Homepage Widgets >
Now click on "Add widget" then search for "ClipMyDeals Banner Images"
Note: - In "Widget", the "Homepage Widgets" section will be visible only if you are on the Home page of your website in the preview section.

Shown Banner on:
This field is very important because not all the banner images look good on all the platforms. Sometimes A banner image looks very beautiful on a Desktop, but the same Banner image does not look that good on mobile because of the small screen. Hence it is important to use this field wisely.
Here you have 3 options to choose from -

  • All Device - Banner will be visible on All devices, there will be no restriction
  • Desktop - The Banner image will be visible on Desktops, Laptops, etc.
  • Mobile - The Banner image will be visible to Users using Mobile devices only eg - Smartphones, Tabs, etc.

Moving on to other fields in the ClipMyDeals Banner Image

  • Title: Widget Title

Image 1

  • Image URL: Enter the Image URL that is to be displayed on the website. If this image/banner is already stored in your device then you will have to upload this image into the library, then copy the image link from there and insert it into the Image URL section.
  • Landing URL: Upon clicking on the image the client will be redirected via this URL
  • Alternative Text: Text that would be visible to the users if the image does not load on their end

The same is applicable to Image 2 and Image 3.
You can add up to 3 images in a row
Note: -

  • If you add a single image then it would consume the full width of the widget
  • If you add two images to the widget then each image would consume 50% of the widget space
  • If you add three images to the widget then each image would consume 33.33% of the widget space

You can use this widget in combination as per your liking

Homepage: ClipMyDeals Popular Stores

This widget allows you to move the Popular store's widget as per your liking anywhere below the Welcome type section.
To add this widget Go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearances > Customize > Widgets > Homepage Widgets
Now click on "Add widget" then search for "Homepage: ClipMyDeals Popular Stores"
Note: - In "Widget", the "Homepage Widgets" section will be visible only if you are on the Home page of your website in the preview section.

  • Title: Widget Title
  • Check Boxes
    • Show Offer Counts/Cashback Message: If the popular store has a "cashback message" then it would be given higher priority as compared to "Show offer counts" If the store does not have any cashback, then offer counts will be displayed
    • Show Empty Terms: Popular store with zero offers/ products in it will also be visible in the widget
    • Redirect to store website: Clicking on the stores will directly take you to the store website. This is especially useful if you want to create only cashback website.
  • Order by: Sort the stores by ID, Name, Slug, Count and Priority. They could further be rearranged again in Ascending or Descending order

    ClipMyDeals Store Category Widget

    You can use this widget to segregate stores on your website based on category. This would help the visitors to easily access their favourite store on your website

    • Title: Widget title
    • Store Category: You need to enter the same categories that you have entered while creating the store in the "store category field".
      • Show Only Popular Stores: Tick this checkbox, if you want to show only popular stores
      • Redirect to Store Website: Tick this checkbox, if you want to redirect your visitors directly to the store website
      • Show Cashback Message: Tick this checkbox, if you want to show a cashback message below the store
      • Show Offer Counts: Tick this checkbox, if you want to show offer counts for the store
      • Show Empty Terms: Tick this checkbox, if you want to show the offer count for stores that have zero offers.
    • Order By: Select if you want to sort the Stores by Ascending/Descending order of ID, Name, Slug , Coupon Count, Priority. You can also set it in Ascending or Descending order

      Help Topics: Theme Configuration

       Last Updated 3 months ago

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