Frequently Asked Questions

Coupon Display Settings

To configure the display, layouts and other options related to Coupons, go to WordPress > Appearance > Customization > Coupon Settings

Number of Coupons on single row
If you set this to "List (1 per row)", the offers will be displayed in List View on all pages of the website, ie. one offer per row. You can also set it to "Grid (2 in a row)", "Grid (3 in a row)" or "Grid (4 in a row)". If you choose any of this, you will see grid view on all pages other that the single Coupon's page. On the coupon's own page, it will appear in a list view itself.

Show Coupon
You can decide how you want to reveal the coupon codes on your website using this setting.

  • Inline - Coupon Code will be revealed in the same box where the "Get Coupon Code" button exists. This method is ideal if you want to have "ease-of-use" for your visitor. With this method, all coupon codes belonging to that store get revealed. So the user does not need to click on each coupon individually to see the code. Since the affiliate link is already opened, you will anyways earn the commission. There is no point of opening the affiliate link again and again in the same session.
  • Popup - Coupon Code will be revealed in a Popup. This method is ideal if you want to have secondary goals like newsletter subscription, social sharing, etc. Only the clicked coupon code will get revealed. You can add a widget under the popup for your secondary goal. Once the popup is closed, the user will have to click the button again to reveal it next time. This way, your secondary goal achieves more visibility.
  • Always Show - If you choose this option, coupon codes will always be visible for all coupons. User will not have to click on a coupon to see/copy its code. Please note that if you choose this method, your affiliate link may not get opened and you may lose out on the commission

Location Taxonomy
You can enable location taxonomy from here if you wish to categorize coupons on the basis of location.
Just like category tags, you can use this option to enable/disable links to the respective locations of each offer.

Show Category list on Coupons

Category links on each offer are a good way of letting the users easy navigate and find offers they are looking for. However, if you have a lot of categories on your website, and an offer is applicable across many categories, then it can look a little untidy. This setting lets you control if you want to show all categories, only the parent categories or zero categories on your offers.

The brand associated with the offer will be visible on the front end of the website to the user. However, something, it may happen that the store name is the same as that of the brand name
Example - Puma could be a store on your website, at the same time there could be a Puma store coupon that will have the brand puma associated with it. So when a customer see the coupon, he will notice "puma, puma" in taxonomy. In such cases, you might not want to display the brand name of the coupons.
Example of Brand - Puma, Nike, Daniel Wellington etc.
Example of Store - Amazon, Puma, Nike, eBay etc.

Show Location on Coupons
Just like category tags, you can use this option to enable/disable links to respective locations of each offer. You can also decide whether you want to show all locations or just the parent locations on your coupons

No. of Active Coupons on Store/Category page
If is important to show a good number of codes & deals to your users so that they can choose the best one for them. However, if you have a lot of offers on the store/category page, it can slow down the pageload time (especially if you have images for all offers). Slow pages are not only irritating for visitors but also a negative factor for SEO. So you need to have a fine balance between number of coupons and pageload speed. By default this is set to 50. However, on a good hosting provider, you can easily increase this number up to 100 or more. You can also enter "-1" if you wish to show all.

No. of Expired Coupons on Store/Category page
You can also choose the number of expired coupons that you want to show under the "recently expired" list. By default it is set to 10. You may change it depending on your preference. You can also enter "-1" if you wish to show all.

Allow Coupons to have their own page?
If you only want to have coupons on the store & category pages, then set this setting to "No". After that, individual coupon pages will not have any links to reach. This way they will not get indexed in Search Engines as well.
Note: Some sitemap plugins may include these pages even after setting this to "No". Make sure you exclude all "Coupon Post Type" in your sitemap plugin if you don't want search engines to index these pages.
Also Note: If you set this to "No", then you will not be able to share individual offers directly from "All Coupons" page in WordPress. You will manually have to share store & category pages.

Show article on Store/Category pages?

Content is now a major ranking factor. Good quality & original content is the key to ranking on the first page. However, coupon websites generally tend to have very similar content as their competitors (because all websites are promoting the same offers as given by merchants themselves). To solve this, you need to add unique high quality to all your store & category pages. This can be done in the "Article" field for each store & category. Once written, you can use this option to control whether you want to show the content, and if yes, the position of the article on the page.

Default Coupon Description
If a coupon lacks a specified description, the text entered in this field will be displayed as the description for that coupon. This ensures consistency in the appearance of coupons throughout your website.

Help Topics: Theme Configuration

 Last Updated about a month ago

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