Frequently Asked Questions

Add/Edit a new Product

You can follow the below steps to add a new product to your website.

  1. Go to WordPress admin panel > Products > add new
  2. You can configure the below fields related to an offer
    1. Title: You can add a title/name for your product
    2. Description: You can use formatted text to give details about the products, like specifications, variant, warranty, etc.
    3. Currency: Here you can choose the product currency and the product currency position (If you leave this blank, the default currency that you have chosen while setting up your comparison plugin, will be fetched)
    4. Original Price: Here, you need to enter the original price of the product without any offer or discount. Make sure that this price is higher than the offer prices you quote in the "compare products" section below.
    5. Compare Products: Here, you can list down products from different stores for the sake of comparison.
      (Note: - You need to Add Store before creating the products so that you can add that store to the price comparison table. To create a store, follow this documentation Add/Edit Store)
      1. Select a Store from the drop down
      2. Enter the offer price listed on that Store
      3. Enter the Offer URL. This is the URL that will be used to redirect the customer to the product/store website. This is where you will enter your affiliate link
      4. Enter product URL. Make sure that when you paste the product URL here, you paste the URL for the landing page of the product on the merchant store. Also, make sure you only paste the URL before the question mark. (This field is important for the proper functioning of your Browser extension)
        For example, if the URL is
        Then you will only paste,
    6. Image URL: You can add an image to your product from here, just copy the image URL of the image you want to show and paste it here
    7. Listing Start Date: Your product will be visible on your website from this date
    8. Listing End Date: Your product will be visible on your website till this date (if you leave this blank, the product will be permanently visible on your website)
    9. Verified On: Here, you can enter the date when the offer price was last verified
    10. Page Title: Here, you can choose to have a custom title for your product page (If you leave this blank, your default product title will be displayed on the product page)
    11. Display Priority: You can set a display priority from here (higher the display priority, higher the product will be listed on your website)
  3. Additionally, you can also configure the below fields from the sidebar
    1. Offer Category: You can map an existing category to your product from here or even create a new category and map it to your product
    2. Stores: Here, you will be able to see the list of stores that can be mapped to the product.
      (Note: You can not create a store from here, you can only map the product to a store that is already created)
    3. Featured Image: You can add a feature image to your product from here (If you have also added image URL as mentioned in point "6" above, first priority will be given to the feature image. The recommended image size is 360 by 220 pixels which we have used in our demos)
    4. Excerpt: Here, you can add a short product summary for the product (if you leave this blank, the product description will be shown as product summary)
    5. Discussion: Here, you can enable or disable comments on your product page.
  4. Once you have configured all the settings for your product just click Publish (you can also click on preview, to check how your product will look before publishing it)

 Last Updated 22 days ago

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