Frequently Asked Questions

Activate/Deactivate Store Feature

This feature will allow you to choose whether you wish to display the content of a specific store on your website's front end or not.

Effects of keeping a store inactive can be seen in the following page templates: -

  • Store Page Template - Even if the store is marked as a popular store, it will still not be visible on the front end.
  • Alphabet Store page template - In the alphabetical order of the store listing page, inactive stores will not be listed
  • Even if a category/location/brand is associated with a coupon of a particular store. If the store is marked as inactive by you, then the coupons for such stores will not be visible to your users on the category page/ locations page/ brands page respectively.
    • Offer categories coupon
    • Location coupon
    • Brand Coupon
  • Submit Coupons - A user will not be able to add the coupon for an inactive store on the submit coupons page.

Effects of keeping a store inactive can be seen in the following homepage/ homepage widgets: -

  • Popular store - Even if the store is marked as a popular store, it will still not be visible on the front-end homepage widget for popular stores.
  • Latest Coupon section - On the homepage, show all coupon settings, a user won't be shown the coupons for Inactive stores.

Effects of keeping a store inactive can be seen in the following widgets: -

  • Homepage: ClipMyDeals Featured Offers List - Disable store coupons will not be displayed here for Inactive stores
  • Even if the store is marked as a popular store, it will still not be visible on the front-end homepage widget for popular stores.
    • Homepage: ClipMyDeals Popular Stores
    • Popular Stores Widget
    • Store List Widget
  • ClipMyDeals Store Category Widget - Even if a store category is associated with a particular store. If the store is marked as inactive by you, then on the homepage, if you've used ClipMyDeals Store Category Widget, Inactive stores will not be visible to your users on the store category widget.

Effects of keeping a store inactive can be seen in the following widgets: -

  • [cmd_coupons] - Inactive store coupons will not be displayed on the frontend
  • [cmd_latest_coupons] - Inactive store coupons will not be displayed on the frontend
  • [cmd_popular_stores] - Inactive store will not be displayed on the frontend
  • [cmd_store_category] - Inactive stores will not be displayed on the frontend
  • [cmd_cashback_stores] - Inactive store will not be displayed on the frontend
  • If the listing is for a single brand, then the product will be displayed even if the store is inactive. However, if there is a price comparison of a product on multiple stores, then the store with the lowest price, except for the inactive store, will be displayed in the Buy Now Button. The comparison price for the inactive store too will not be displayed.
    • [cmdcomp_latest_products] -
    • [cmdcomp_products] -
    • [cmd_price_comparison slug="product slug"]

Other effects: -
Single Coupon, Store, and Product pages will work as usual, as it might be important for you if a single page is ranking on a search engine like Google. So if the landing page of your single coupon/store page is ranked on search engine results, then the users will be able to access that page even if the store is marked as Inactive. Also, the users can search for the content of an Inactive store on your website.

 Last Updated a year ago

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