Frequently Asked Questions
How to manage card height and content length settings
Using the ClipMyDeals card and image settings, you can define card height, image height and content length. This can help you get rid of the uneven coupon/product card sizes on your website.
Here is what you need to do:
Here is what you need to do:
- Login to your WordPress Admin panel
- Go to Appearance > customize > card and image settings
- First setting is content length. Here you can restrict the characters in Coupon Title and Description
- Max characters for Coupon title: Set the number of characters for your coupon title here. Enter 0 for no limit
- Max characters for Coupon description: Set the number of characters for your coupon description here. Enter 0 for no limit
- Next setting is mobile card and images. You can set different card and image height for mobile and desktops to make it appealing for both type of devices. Use this setting to set heights for mobile devices
- Use values: If you choose default, then the default height settings will be applied. If you choose custom you will be presented with the below height setting controls
- Carousel image: Changes the height of image that is displayed in carousel widgets
- Carousel card: Changes the height of the entire card displayed in the carousel widgets
- Coupon image: Changes the height of the image displayed on coupon cards
- Coupon card: Changes the entire height of the coupon card
- Product image: Changes the height of the image displayed on product card
- Product card: Changes the entire height of the product card
- Store logos in store listings: Changes the store logo height on the 'stores' page on your website
- Next setting is Desktop card and images. You can set different card and image height for mobile and desktops to make it appealing for both type of devices. Use this setting to set heights for desktop and laptops for grid layout.
- Use values: If you choose default, then the default height settings will be applied. If you choose custom you will be presented with the below height setting controls
- Carousel image: Changes the height of image that is displayed in carousel widgets
- Carousel card: Changes the height of the entire card displayed in the carousel widgets
- Coupon image: Changes the height of the image displayed on coupon cards
- Coupon card: Changes the entire height of the coupon card
- Product image: Changes the height of the image displayed on product card
- Product card: Changes the entire height of the product card
- Store logos in store listings: Changes the store logo height on the 'stores' page on your website
Last Updated 2 years ago