Frequently Asked Questions

How to enable Compulsory login feature on your website

When you want to create a Cashback website, it is important that your users are logged in to your website so that you can track their transaction and provide them a rebate/cashback

Here is how you can enable the mandatory login feature on your website:

  1. Go to WordPress > cashback > sitewide settings
  2. Scroll all the way down to find "login to view" option. You have 3 options here
    1. No: If you choose this, there will be no login Modal popping up whenever a user is redirected to the store website
    2. Optional: If you choose this, a login Modal will pop up every time your user is being redirected to the store website. However, he will get an option to "skip login"
    3. Compulsory: If you choose this, a login Modal will pop up every time your user is being redirected to the store website. But, this time there will be no "skip login" option. He will have to login compulsorily in order to proceed.
  3. Lastly, you have the "display login popup" option. If you choose "compulsory" in the step above, you can ignore this option. However, If you choose "optional", then you can also choose how many times you want to the Login Modal to pop up.
  4. You can add any number here and the user will get the Login Modal popup that many times. If you enter "-1", the Login Modal popup every time

Adding Widget to the Login ModalYou can also choose to add widgets to the Login Modal to beautify it. You can choose from a number of widgets available to you in your WordPress admin panel. However, you need to be careful while selecting a widget for the Login Modal as not every widget would look good here. Feel free to explore new combinations and choose the widget that looks the best on your website. Here are the steps for adding a widget to your Login Modal

  1. Go to WordPress > Appearance > widgets
  2. Here, you will see two options to add widget. Above the login form and below login form
  3. Drag the widget you wish to add, to any of the two options mentioned above
  4. Click save

 Last Updated 3 months ago

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