Frequently Asked Questions

Customize using Shortcodes

Shortcode to display custom Product Pages

Parameters: You can customize your custom page using the below parameters
  1. count: You can use this parameter to limit the number of products visible on a single page(Default = 10)
    Example: -
    [cmdcomp_latest_products count=20]

Parameters: You can customize your custom page using the below parameters
  1. count: You can use this parameter to limit the number of products visible on a single page(Default = 10)
  2. store: You can enter slug of the store for which you want to display the products. (you can add multiple stores by using comma-separated slugs for that particular store)
  3. category: If you want to display products of a particular offer category, you can enter it's slug here. (you can add multiple categories by using comma-separated slugs for that particular category)
  4. sort: Using this parameter, you can decide on what basis you want to sort the products. (Products can be sorted on the basis of display priority, Listing start end or Listing end date)
  5. order: Using this parameter, you can select the order in which you want to display the products. (It can be either Ascending order or Descending order)
    Example: -
    [cmdcomp_products count=20 store=amazon category=mobile-phones sort=priority order=DESC]

Short code to display price comparison table

[cmd_price_comparison slug="product slug"]
This shortcode is used to display a price comparison table of a specific product on your website. For example, It is especially useful if you are writing a review blog about the product and want to give your users the option to purchase the product from their favorite e-commerce store. Alternatively, you may also use it for price listing of a product.Below are the parameters that are used for this shortcode
  • slug: (slug of any product) [No default] If you want to display the price comparison table of a specific product, then you can insert its slug here.
[cmd_price_comparison slug="nike-zoom-freak-2"]

 Last Updated 2 years ago

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