Frequently Asked Questions

Set up a page to "Submit a Coupon"

Follow the below steps to create a page that lists all Stores:

  1. Go to WordPress > Pages > Add New
  2. Set a title for the page.
  3. In the "Page Attributes" meta box of the "Document" section in the sidebar, set the "Template" to "Submit a Coupon".
  4. In case you want to write some content on this page apart from just the store list, you can do so in the content box.
  5. Click on Save.

On the front-end visitor will be able to submit all offer details. Once they submit, the offer will be created in WordPress with a "Pending" status. If you have configured SMTP for emails in your WordPress, you will also receive an email notification of this submission.

The site Admin or Editor then needs to log into WordPress and approve the coupon for it to start displaying on the website.

 Last Updated 18 days ago

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