Frequently Asked Questions


Below shortcodes can be used to display various sections when creating custom pages or using page-builders.


This shortcode is used to display coupons. Below are the parameters that can be used with it.

  • count: (integer) [default=10] Use this to limit the number of coupons to be displayed.
  • type: (all/code/deal/print) [default=all] Use this to filter the type of coupons you want to list.
  • store: (slug of any store) [No default] If you want to display coupons of a particular store, you can pass its slug here as a filter.
  • category: (slug of any offer-category) [No default] If you want to display coupons of a particular offer category, you can pass its slug here as a filter.
  • location: (slug of any location) [No default] If you want to display coupons of a particular location, you can pass its slug here as a filter.
  • sort: (priority/start/end) [default=priority] This is used to sort the coupons by display priority, start date or end date.
  • order: (ASC/DESC) [default=DESC] The order of sorting - Ascending / Descending.
  • brand: (slug of any brand) [No default] If you want to display coupons of a particular brand, you can pass its slug here as a filter.


[cmd_coupons count=10 type=code store=amazon sort=priority order=DESC brand=nike]


This shortcode is used to display the latest coupons on your website. It has only one parameter which is;

  • count: (integer) [default=10] Use this to limit the number of coupons to be displayed.


[cmd_latest_coupons count=15]


This shortcode is used to display the popular stores on your website. Below are the parameters for this short code

  • orderby_priority: (true/false) [default=true] use this parameter to sort popular stores according to the display priority set for the stores while creating store. if you choose 'false' then stores will be sorted according to name.
  • ascdsc: (asc/desc) [default=desc] use this parameter to sort the stores in ascending or descending order of priority.


[cmd_popular_stores orderby_priority=false ascdsc=asc]


This shortcode is used to display category wise stores. For example if you only want display stores for electronics category then you can use this shortcode (make sure that you have mapped categories to the stores first) Below are the parameters for this shortcode

  • store_category: (comma separated list of categories) list down all the categories (separated by commas) for which you want to display stores.
  • only_popular: (true/false) [default=false] use this parameter whether you want to display all stores that fall under the chosen category or only popular stores.
  • cashback_redirect: (true/false) [default=false] use this parameter to choose whether clicking on the store takes the user to store details page or redirect to the store/merchant website.
  • cashback_message: (true/false) [default=false] use this parameter to choose whether you want to display cashback message below the store or not (for example "3% cashback")
  • show_empty: (true/false) [default=false] use this parameter to choose whether you want to display stores that have no deals, products or coupons.
  • orderby: (name/slug/id/priority) [default=priority] use this parameter to sort your stores by name, slug, ID or priority. If you leave it blank, stores will be sorted by priority
  • ascdsc: (asc/desc) [default=desc] use this parameter to sort the stores in ascending or descending order.


[cmd_store_category store_category=electronics,air,beauty only_popular=false cashback_redirect=false cashback_message=true show_empty=true orderby=slug ascdsc=desc]

 Last Updated 18 days ago

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