Frequently Asked Questions

Add/Edit Location

Location Taxonomy is not enabled by default. You need to go to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Coupon Settings, and set "Location Taxonomy" to "Enable". If you want to display/hide location tags on each coupon, you can control it from the "Show Location on Coupons?" field here.

Follow the below steps to create a new location:

  1. Go to WordPress > Coupons > Locations
  2. Use the "Add New" section on the left side to create a location.
    1. Name: Name of the Location page
    2. Slug: Unique URL component for the location page
    3. Parent Location: Assign a Parent term for location page. For example, Musical Instrument would be Parent for Guitar.
    4. Description: A short description of the location page which will be used as meta-description
  3. After the category is created, on the right side you click on "Edit" link under the category. Here you can add a number of other options
    1. Article: This is an article for the location page. Use this to write long-form formatted content. It is very beneficial for SEO purposes.
    2. Map IFrame: You can use this field to place map location using Google Map or any other embedded map code.
    3. Page Title: If you want to give a different Title to your webpage for this store, you can enter it here. This will be used to display in browser menu bar, as well as in Search Engine results.

 Last Updated 12 days ago

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