Frequently Asked Questions

Bulk Import & Export of Coupons

ClipMyDeals comes pre-integrated with Coupon Feed to put your website/App on complete Auto-Pilot.

However, you can also use our "Bulk Import Tool" to import coupons and deals into ClipMyDeals with a CSV format.

  1. Go to WordPress > Coupons > Toolbox > Bulk Import
  2. Download sample file format to start adding your coupons
  3. Once your file is ready upload the file in CSV format by clicking on "Import File" button.
  4. If the file is too big or your server has a short time-out setting, you may want to consider uploading offers in multiple smaller files.

Below is a brief description of each of the fields in CSV template:

  • ID:
    • For 'new' coupons - keep this field empty
    • For 'updating' existing coupons - use the 'post_id' of the coupon. If you have exported the coupons from the 'toolbox', this column will already have 'post_id'.
  • title: Title of the offer.
  • description: Short description of the offer.
  • badge: One or Two words to highlight the offer. Example "10% OFF", "Hot Offer", etc.
  • type: This can be either "code", "deal" or "print".
  • code: Coupon Code if required to avail the offer.
  • store: Store name of the offer. If the store does not exist, it will get created automatically.
  • categories: A comma-separated list of categories. If the category does not already exist, it will get created.
  • brand: The brand name associated with the offer.If the brand does not already exist, it will get created. If you want to map multiple brands to a single offer then you can insert comma separated slug
  • locations: A comma-separated list of locations. If the location does not already exist, it will get created.
  • url: Landing page of the offer. This is usually the affiliate link.
  • image_url: Link to offer's image. If this is left blank, the store's logo will be used on the offer. Ideal image size for coupons is 2:1 or 3:1 (Horizontal) and it cannot be more than 3:2 and less than 4:1.
  • start_date: Start date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
  • valid_till: End date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
  • verified_on: Verified date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
  • priority: An integer value to define display priority of the offer. The higher priority will be displayed first on the page.
  • notes: You can write any internal note for yourself or your team. This does not get displayed anywhere on the front-end.

 Last Updated 5 months ago

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