Frequently Asked Questions
Bulk Import & Export of Coupons
ClipMyDeals comes pre-integrated with Coupon Feed to put your website/App on complete Auto-Pilot.
However, you can also use our "Bulk Import Tool" to import coupons and deals into ClipMyDeals with a CSV format.
- Go to WordPress > Coupons > Toolbox > Bulk Import
- Download sample file format to start adding your coupons
- Once your file is ready upload the file in CSV format by clicking on "Import File" button.
- If the file is too big or your server has a short time-out setting, you may want to consider uploading offers in multiple smaller files.
Below is a brief description of each of the fields in CSV template:
- ID:
- For 'new' coupons - keep this field empty
- For 'updating' existing coupons - use the 'post_id' of the coupon. If you have exported the coupons from the 'toolbox', this column will already have 'post_id'.
- title: Title of the offer.
- description: Short description of the offer.
- badge: One or Two words to highlight the offer. Example "10% OFF", "Hot Offer", etc.
- type: This can be either "code", "deal" or "print".
- code: Coupon Code if required to avail the offer.
- store: Store name of the offer. If the store does not exist, it will get created automatically.
- categories: A comma-separated list of categories. If the category does not already exist, it will get created.
- brand: The brand name associated with the offer.If the brand does not already exist, it will get created. If you want to map multiple brands to a single offer then you can insert comma separated slug
- locations: A comma-separated list of locations. If the location does not already exist, it will get created.
- url: Landing page of the offer. This is usually the affiliate link.
- image_url: Link to offer's image. If this is left blank, the store's logo will be used on the offer. Ideal image size for coupons is 2:1 or 3:1 (Horizontal) and it cannot be more than 3:2 and less than 4:1.
- start_date: Start date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
- valid_till: End date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
- verified_on: Verified date of the offer. Format: yyyy-mm-dd
- priority: An integer value to define display priority of the offer. The higher priority will be displayed first on the page.
- notes: You can write any internal note for yourself or your team. This does not get displayed anywhere on the front-end.
Last Updated 5 months ago